Serial entrepreneur Joel Landau, who is the founder of The Allure Group, has been selected as an entrepreneur to watch by noted website IdeaMensch.
The insights Joel offers in his interview runs the gamut from how he’s managed to champion healthcare accessibility to sharing his advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, saying “Don’t be afraid to take risks as “nothing ventured nothing gained.”
But, says Joel Landau, make sure that no matter what you are striving to do good. To wit, Joel mentions his favorite quote:
“Doing well is the result of doing good” by Ralph Waldo Emerson. To me, this perfectly sums up the duty that entrepreneurs have to the public and the economy. Doing good in the world can bring on financial success and growth.
Joel’s dedication to doing well and doing good, is best illustrated in the origin story behind how he first came to create The Allure Group:
When I was caring for my elderly grandfather, I became frustrated with many of the deficiencies I saw in eldercare. Sadly, he’s not around anymore, but I knew at the time that there had to be a better way. The nonprofit nursing homes I saw purported to provide great care, but were often too non-responsive to his needs and unable to provide personalized and culturally sensitive services. Since I’ve always approached entrepreneurship as a way to solve problems, I founded The Allure Group to provide a better model with improved care to seniors. In addition to a business stake in this enterprise, I also have a personal stake in its success; many of The Allure Group’s beneficiaries include close personal friends and relatives.
To read Joel’s full IdeaMensch interview, click here.